Frequently Asked Questions

Before you email or submit a ticket, check out our FAQ section to see if your question has already been answered.

Installation & Usage

Get up and running with Devy

How do I install Devy?

By running the command npm i -g devy-ai. It is also the only (supported) way to install Devy.

Devy supports Windows, MacOS and Linux OS. All it really needs to run is an interactive terminal.

On Windows: Powershell and CMD. On unix-like system, Devy should work out of the box in any terminal.

Bash (including git-bash), Powershell, Zsh, Fish and Batch.

Features & Capabilities

Let's help you push Devy to the limits.

Can Devy generate code?

Yes, it can generate code in different programming languages. For best results with code generation, issue the query from the directory that contains the code to be updated.

Easiet way is to pipe the command's output, like echo "hello" | devy. Alternative, you can use plain language like "why did my last command fail?"

You can disable Devy without uninstalling by setting the field disableDevy: true in the file


Yes, it does. LLMs are a critical component to the Devy magic.

Billing & Pro

Your money questions answered

Do you have student or small company discounts?

Devy only has discounts for bootcamps and tech hubs. If you are part of one, reach out to us for a special discounted access key.

You can cancel anytime! And also resubscribe anytime :)

Unfortunately, Devy does not yet support you providing an API key for use with ChatGPT since we may not actually use ChatGPT in the fulfillment of a request.

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Technical issues can be resolved entirely through ticketing.

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